Boot Camping out of Hibernation
So this incredible weather is quite the motivator! I’m not sure anyone is escaping spring fever right now with temperatures in the upper 80s, low winds and epically blue sky. And while pandemic numbers continue to rise, alarmingly in some places, this too is driven in part by the collective desire to get up and out after having been so sequestered for the last year. Of course the virus doesn’t care whether it’s nice out or not, so continuing the safe practices of mask wearing and social distancing is key right now. That said, local business owners have done incredible things to open up both indoor and outdoor options for resuming various aspects of life. Today I’m detailing one. Yet before we go there, let’s talk about hibernation.
This bear is just awaking after a long, winter slumber. Image Courtesy: North American Bear Center
When I think of hibernation I think of a bear that has fattened and slept through the winter. However, many people have done a bit of the opposite through this crazy viral cycle. Many entered “hibernation” relatively fit for spring and summer 2020, only to be “sent home.” So many folks just let themselves go and went “deep into the Corona.” A sort of hibernation in reverse. However now, there is this urge to shed those corona pounds with summer nearly upon us. So how to do it?
Sweat. Smile. Repeat. Gotta love that endorphine-driven phrase. Fit Body Boot Camp is your answer to shed un-wanted, corona+winter pounds. Image Courtesy: Dan Meyers
I love to get my exercise through outdoor activities like surfing and snowboarding, but this can be fleeting as conditions and time don’t always cooperate. Plus, when I do do those sports, I want to be as in shape as possible, protected from injury and performing at my highest possible level. Thus, to assist in staying active I converted part of my basement into a home gym, and this was great through the winter. Yet, while I have been pretty consistent in raising my heart rate and strengthening, I am firmly lacking in both instruction and nutritional guidance. Obviously these are two critical elements to getting yourself back into fit shape in a faster and more sustainable way. Enter the most effective boot camp the city of Portland has going right now: Fit Body Boot Camp.
Part of the interior at Fit Body Boot Camp. Separate square spaces have been created for each person attending boot camp directly (vs. the zoom option). This, plus other mask mandate measures, constant cleaning of surfaces, high ceiling air circulation and more make the interior space at Fit Body Boot Camp comfortable indeed. Image Courtesy: Dan Meyers
I learned of this fabulous gym in Southeast Portland through a friend of a friend that had been transformed. Accountability was key, along with the other elements of tracking and optimizing what one eats, as well as how to work out safely and avoid injury. Run by a group of professional, highly personable and knowledgeable “get fit”coaches, their leader (and gym owner)...Emily Johnson, is a shining example of success. Having weathered the corona storm by modifying both infrastructure and practice at the gym through hard research and strict adherence to CDC-driven safety, gym members have returned with great comfort. That said, boot camp zoom classes are an active option, allowing for distanced body transformation.
Fit Body Boot Camp owner Emily Johnson (green shorts) along with fitness and nutritional coaches (L to R) Dillon, Amanda, Julia and Brennon, part way through their team building event on April 17. They carried 150 lb. sand bags for two miles, circling the waterfront. Image Courtesy: Emily Johnson
You see, Emily and her team don’t just mix up the Kool-Aid, they drink it by the quart! Of course their concoction will feature electrolytes and a decided lack of unhealthy get the picture. But this group is stellar, undergoing internal team building exercises that put hair on my chest just thinking about. Take for example the teams challenge in 2019, climbing Dog Mountain five times in 18 hours, headlamps and all! Having recently summited this Columbia Gorge peak for the first time, I simply can’t imagine. And what were they up to yesterday? Hauling 150 pound sand bags around the waterfront loop loop in downtown Portland. Team building personified. And this cohesion translates into how effective they are as coaches and nutritional instructors.
“Nothing about running a non-essential business over the course of the past year has been easy, but we’ve remained committed to continuing to operate in any capacity possible (virtual, outdoor, in-facility) in order to continue to support our members. Our why has always been to change lives through fitness and this community has been an anchor for so many in the midst of a very challenging season. It’s been an honor to help our clients continue to prioritize their physical and mental health through all of the challenges that Covid has presented and we look forward to changing many more lives in the years to come.”
So if you are looking to dust things off from your winter slumber, perhaps eyeing that bikini or speedo (haha), give the coaches at Fit Body Boot Camp a shot. Pretty darn sure you’re going to be better for it.
Fit Body Boot Camp Details
Find all you need on Fit Body Boot Camp and sign up for their current challenge here.
Fit Body Boot Camp Website
Dawn Jennings Transformation Story below…(via Fit Body Boot Camp. Very inspirational and informative!)
Finish with this amazing video of body and healthy eating transformation. This could be you! Video Courtesy: Fit Body Boot Camp