Paradise in PC
Portland is indeed a truly wonderful place. However, sometimes we need an escape…especially when it’s blazing hot outside. And for just such a respite, I simply can’t imagine a better place than Pacific City (otherwise known as PC). Set back and off of Hwy 101 between Tillamook and Lincoln City, PC is easily missed by the bulk of those transiting on that oft crowded highway. However, what did used to be somewhat of a secret is out as the once sleepy community of PC is now so bustling that, well, it can be a bit frustrating. Even still, there isn’t another place on the Oregon Coast that packs in so much and just delivers. This “little beach town” has it all: tremendous surf, a great (on-the-sand) brew pub, a truly stunning beach, giant sand dunes, offshore rocks (one of the biggest on the entire West Coast), several nice hotels and some quaint shops and restaurants. To be sure, PC is magic…and for those who’ve been there (ideally on a day not too overrun with people), well, it needs little explaining. But for the uninitiated? Prepare thyself…you’ll likely find a new favorite spot here.
This location needs few words… Image Courtesy: Dan Meyers
I just spent 4 dreamy days in PC, complete with a top three swimming experience (lifetime). Indeed, the water temp was way, way up last Saturday (8/3), somewhere in the upper 60’s due to the Japanese current hitting our shores. In fact, it was so warm we swam all the way out to the last breakers with nothing but our trunks on. Sharky? yep. Worth it? Oh yes. It was such a great experience. Almost as fun as the waves I caught with the 3-4’ swell that was rolling in. I donned my wetsuit for this last little adventure for the protection the neoprene gives against the board, its fins and the sun. Yes, I’m a neoprene convert.
This was a fun morning. Here I’m getting a nice 4’ wave on my 9’6”. Fast, uncrowded surf. Image Courtesy: Dan Meyers
From getting a cold, Kiwanda Cream Ale at the Pelican Brew Pub, to relaxing in a beachfront cabin, we had it all down there…and we will soon be back. Just check out the sunset we had from where we were staying!
The sunsets along any coast can be spectacular. But when it’s in a place you’ve grown up going to, after a great dinner and several amazing waves, well, that’s a topper. Image Courtesy: Dan Meyers
The view from inside our rented beach house. Wow, this was TOUGH to leave! Image Courtesy: Dan Meyers
My dog was also in heaven. She was enjoying the warm water, cooling off here after a big run! Image Courtesy: Dan Meyers
Some Key Particulars about Pacific City
Well, I’m guessing you’re sold on a trip to PC. Good call. So getting down to business, here are some more links to assist in your adventure: