That There is an RV Clark!
I’m sure many of you know quite well where the title line, “That there is an R.V. Clark!” comes from. And if by some small, tiny chance you don’t recall, well, you could be one of the .5% that doesn’t make watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation a tradition this time of the year. So, check the pics and links below to be duly indoctrinated…or just celebrate, once again, what you already must count as one of your all-time comedy faves!
At our house Christmas Vacation gets run, and re-run, several times over the Christmas holiday. On Christmas Eve, it’s a staple. So, yes, the blog here today is essentially in celebration of this most incredible of holiday films because, yep, it’s that time of year again! To help celebrate, I’ve selected several, choice snippets off of YouTube that show some of the funniest parts of the film. However, before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s take a moment to recognize a true and local talent…Brandon Simchuk. Brandon is a friend of mine and it was his recent donning of his “Cousin Eddie” outfit at a recent Christmas party that not only had the whole house laughing, but also kicked this blog post into high gear. Needless to say, Brandon’s outfit is spot-on for Cousin Eddie’s from the movie, right down to the Griswold glass moose mug. Just check the full shot and side-by-side below!
Local Couvite and contributor to the Cousin Eddie fan club, Brandon Simchuk does Chevy Chase’s annoying, disturbing cousin proud at a recent Christmas party. Image Courtesy: Jackelyn Simchuk
So what makes this movie so darn great? I’m sure if you ask this question of many different people you’ll get a wide variety of answers. For some, it’s the interaction between Clark’s family and his in-laws…because there are some truly epic scenes there. For others it might be the cameo of Seinfeld’s Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Todd Guest as the Griswold’s neighbors, The Chesters. Margo and Todd Chester represent polar opposites to their neighbors and the interactions are stuff of legend. Check this one clip:
Some Extra Christmas Vacation Bonus Links
Yep, you know you’re a fan if you’ve made it to the bottom here and are looking for more. Well, look no further! Check out these fun links that will help you take your fandom to the next level!
27 Festive Facts about Christmas Vacation
Christmas Vacation Collectibles and Props
Police find Christmas Vacation’s ‘Cousin Eddie’ in Lodi, Wisconsin
Christmas Vacation Products on Amazon
Chevy Chase Watches Christmas Vacation (with commentary)